Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I started Kindred by Octavia E. Butler today. It's wonderful! A woman suddenly finds herself mysterously transported in space and, she learns, time. A 20th century black woman who finds herself in rural Maryland in 1815, yet. (Not a fun trip.) Can't wait to continue!


Cyn said...

How come nobody ever travels in time and finds themselves somewhere really great? That does sound interesting, though.

Unknown said...

I think some of the people in Arthur Conan Doyle's LOST WORLD thought it was really great, at first, anyway.

It kind of reminds me of an ironic twist on one of those reality shows. "1819 House" Experience ante-bellum plantation life first hand! Sleep on a pallet in a corner of the attic with a dozen other house servants and be grateful you're not a field hand! Eat corn meal mush in a corner of the cook house! Beat laundry with a stick while it boils in a big iron pot! But better not "talk back" or you'll be the one who is beaten!

Cyn said...

That would be a great story. People sign up for some "Real Salem" reality show and find themselves completely isolated with disease running rampant and some moldy grain that makes them hallucinate that the devil is talking to them in their dark little houses. Let the burnings begin!