Monday, December 27, 2010

I wonder how it's possible to hold onto the freedom from overthinking that comes with nanowrimo. There comes a time when it's appropriate to agonize over every line your character says, but I don't think I'm there yet. It's just that when I hear characters talking to each other I have to think "Wait, he wouldn't say that. I would say that, maybe Debra would say that but Sal wouldn't."

November is over. The rush to as many words as possible is over. I'm revising the plot, rearranging the scenes. I called for readers as I wanted to get input before revisions get frozen into place. Having done that, having sent out 3 manuscripts, gave me the freedom to step back & rest a bit. Thanks for that. I began to think how to revise.

But it's still wide open!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I read through it myself. There's some redundancy, & I can think of some edits, but I feel like I'd like to take a rest & let someone else read it before I proceed. Who would like a copy?
I revised & printed. I'm the first reader. After that I'm looking for some more readers. Any volunteers?

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

So November is over. The next thing i need to do is get a ream of paper (which I've needed forever) to print the thing and read it.