Monday, June 12, 2006

I just finished another mystery novel. This one is set in 1920s Toledo and focuses on the adventures of a female newspaper reporter with ganster friends. I'm not totally satisfied with the ending. I think I might have rushed it a bit. But I'll go back and tweak it later. I just wanted to get it down. The characters are where I want them, I just need to flesh out the scenery and do some more research. Now which story do I start next? I've got about eight of them butting around in my head competing for attention. PICK ME! PICK ME!


Unknown said...

That is SO great! Waytago Cyn!!!!

Now, the next question - how do you pick?

Cyn said...

I'm not so sure I get to pick. Some characters just won't shut up. They pop up everywhere like a spooky little child in a Japanese horror movie. Right now I'm afraid I may end up revisiting Toledo in the twenties and Hollywood in the 30s before I get back to ease of writing in the present day.

AWJ said...

Congrats on finishing! :)

Cyn said...

Thanks! Though I'm not sure I'm finished, I've been seized with the urge to do a prequel to the story I just finished to flesh out exactly who my main character is and what's she's up to.