Friday, May 05, 2006

You guessed it. I don't have time for this. I have to get my daughter ready for school, and go to work. And my cat likes to bite my hands while they're wiggling on the keyboard, so I had to take her off my lap.

Welcome to the No Time blog.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

My time is being sucked away by a time saving device. I am entirely at the mercy of my DVR. It conveniently records my favorite shows so I can watch them later and the race to watch them before my faux-vo fills up in exhausting. Five episodes or ER, two of Invasion, six episodes of Veronica Mars, six episodes of Medium and two weeks worth of my husband's strange and shameful General Hospital addiction. Something has to give. As long as it isn't my time spent with Prison Break, 24, NCIS, House, American Idol, Bones, Lost, The OC (that's actually my husband, too)or The Deadliest Catch, America's Top Chef, King of Cars, The Next Food Network Star, Sopranos, King of The Hill... Why are they making all this stuff I like to watch! I am much worse off that people who lived in shanties on the vast prarie and had to get up at four and work their fingers to the bone all day just to stay alive. I have STRESS! STRESS!!!! Yeah, it's self-inflicted... And nothing would really happen if I just did't watch those tv shows..

I love my low self-esteem. It makes me feel special...