Sunday, May 21, 2006

I started the new story today, in my notebook at the laundromat, where else? (The other most likely location: a bench in the Avenue A playground in Tompkins Square Park. Or at a table at the deli where I have lunch near work.)


Rethunk said...

Uh . . . I don't mean to intrude, but I just signed up on Blogger today, and after posting for the first time I clicked on the "Next Blog" button to see what would happen and I arrived at your blog. I noticed that you're a writer and interested in speculative fiction, and since I'm giving that same gig another shot I thought I'd write a quick note, say howdy, and then bow out politely.


In one of your earlier posts you brought up the subject of LiveJournal vs. Blogger. In my opinion, both have slightly clunky interfaces but LiveJournal's is more polished.

Anyway, good evening and good writing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by! Good writing to you too!

Unknown said...

And thanks for the opinion on LiveJournal vs. Blogger.