Saturday, May 20, 2006

Speaking of memoir, I forgot to mention that I wrote a 3,000 word essay that's the story of my life with the job/career puzzle, and submitted it in February to a webzine called Moondance. They e-mailed me a couple of weeks ago and said they wanted to publish it in the next issue! I replied saying "Awesome! Here's my updated bio with url, and when's the next issue?" So far, they have not replied to that e-mail. That's why I haven't posted about it or made an announcement. I'm mentioning it now because it means I have written autobiographical material without it being a wretched experience, and it's pretty light-hearted and probably a fun read.


Unknown said...

I think Moondance is quarterly. The current issue is March-June, so the next one will probably come out July 1st. (Appropriate, since my birthday is July 18.) Maybe I'll wait til it's up before I really announce/promote it.

AWJ said...

Well, early as it is-- congratulations! :D

Cyn said...

I'll look forward to reading it in light of the often amsuing e-mail exchanges we're had on said same subject these past few years.

Unknown said...
