Saturday, May 20, 2006

I just completed a "rough draft" of my new story. The rough draft is a technique I learned from Writer's Journal Magazine, Vol 26 Number 5 Sep/Oct 2005, "The Art of the Rough Draft: Learn to Tell, and Then Show" by Sidney C. Blaylock, Jr. (In other words, how to tell yourself what's going to happen so you can then show the reader.) For me this doesn't usually come first - I usually start writing, then when I get stuck because I don't know what happens next I write the rough draft. But it can also be useful during that cold feet period that seems to precede beginning a new project.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

Interesting... I can sometimes work things out ahead in my head, but seldom on paper or computer. I've done major revisions to clean stuff up, but normally not to change the original flow of the story. It's very interesting how creative processes work for different people. Some artists to studies and sketches for months and others just attack canvases.