Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I submitted a story to Firefox News's

It's the End of the World As We Know It

issue after all!

I went back to a story I started last winter when I was really cold, and added a version of the idea I'd been playing with for this submission, plus took it a little farther.

It's funny how when I say definitively that I'm not going to do something, sometimes that's just when I go ahead and do it.

The issue of Shimmer I ordered arrived today. It looks beautiful: high quality paper, great illustrations It even comes with a promotional bookmark! I'll start reading it tomorrow. I'd really enjoy submitting an ms to them. If it seems an appropriate venue for "Being" I'll submit that (since both they and Oceans accept simultaneous subs) and if not, I'll look forward to sending them something else!


Cyn said...

Submit away Linda! It's the only way to get there.

AWJ said...

Sounds like it's going to be an interesting issue. Good luck, Linda! :)

Unknown said...

I loved Shimmer. I want to subscribe.

I don't think "Being" is right for them, but I might submit "Always Birds" which was rejected by Firefox News.

I haven't heard from Oceans yet about "Being".