Sunday, August 06, 2006

I think I'll start this off by posting something writerly: two of the very few stories I have in circulation are short-listed at magazines. So, crossing my fingers there...

Since I haven't been writing much, much of my attention is turned back toward my artwork (and studying for my travel agent's certificate- whew!). I have a shop over at Zazzle, but I wanted a nice art site that would showcase not only what I've made into products, but much of the rest of my art as well. So, I made one, heh, and today is launch day. I hope ya'll will check it out and, of course, enjoy.

Miss Millificent's World


AWJ said...

I think I should also add, in case anyone wonders about the counter, that I continued the numbers from my old, ugly art site, which only focused on my Miss Millificent character.

Unknown said...


Cyn said...

Nice! I'm diggin on the art. It's very close to my own peculiar aesthetic.

AWJ said...

Thanks, Linda and Cyn!