Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I found out that I got two Honorable Mentions in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror (19th annual collection). "La Noche de Duelo" was a poem that was published in the last issue of Neverary, and my novella "Winter's Dark Memory" appeared in the antho Darkness Rising 2005. Whoo!

All I found out at first was that I had two mentions, and I had to go clear across town to get the book (at the first bookstore, their one and only copy had apparently been stolen). I was very surprised by the poem's mention, since I'm hardly known for poetry and rarely-- I mean RARELY-- write it.

The second piece of good news is that my story "One in Ten Thousand" was accepted for GUD Magazine's Issue 0. It's a sad little sci-fi tale. So, it's been a nice couple of weeks. :)

Has this boosted my writing? Um...


Cyn said...

Congratulations! How cool.

AWJ said...

Thanks, cyn! :)

Unknown said...

That is absolutely awesome, Athena!

AWJ said...

Thanks, Linda!