Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I have finally done what I've threatened to do for awhile. I have created my mystery in blog form. Check it out here:


Unknown said...

A quick look is all I have time for right now, but it looks terrific -- great presentation!

How does the blog format work with telling a story, as it unfolds backwards? I guess it works the normal way as long as a reader starts following it right away, but how does it work for those who come in later?

Unknown said...

I read it -- great stuff! I did sort of wish I'd scrolled to the bottom and started at the beginning, but it works the other way too. I'm still wondering how that works as time goes on, especially with a mystery, spoilers & so on.

It sort of made me think of INVASION, and what's-his-name-s blog. He was (is, I hope) my favorite character, Larson's brother. I hope they bring the series back! I miss it. I read somehere ( that the cancellation of COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF might make room for it.

Cyn said...

No Invasion is long gone. It was very expensive to produce, which is part of why Commander in Chief didn't make it. The guy who played the Sheriff is joining the cast of Prison Break. Maybe I should put a note on there to start at the bottom of the blog and work up. I wish you could change the posts so that the oldest ones were first, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Unknown said...

Do you think COMMANDER IN CHIEF was expensive to make because of movie star salaries for Geena Davis & Donald Sutherland? After a few episodes I decided they were the only reason I liked it.

Too bad about INVASION.

Cyn said...

From what I understand, it was that and there was also a problem with the producers being able to meet the demands of a network series. They just couldn't get the stuff done on time and on budget.