Monday, November 06, 2006

I worked all last week for my husband so he could catch up on all his backwork (he has his own business that he runs from home), so I didn't get a chance to get over to NaNoWriMo until this morning. I love the layout and the way your excerpt is presented in bookform! So, even though I'm not getting the little banner or anything when I'm done (and hey, I started early, too), I went ahead and uploaded an excerpt, and also put down my stats for six days' work (I keep a running daily record at my personal blog). Anyone interested can go read it (it's under Athena_Workman).

Parentheses much in that last paragraph? ;)

Cyn, I read a lot of your excerpt, too. Sounds like a good one! How is your writing going?

The past few days for me have been pretty good, but as I approached the 30,000-word mark, it was really like pulling teeth, going from establishing the story to the need to really get things moving; at the same while not wanting to give too much away too early. And I'm not used to writing this way-- not doing much editing, not going back and cutting huge chunks that don't work just so I can keep up my total, etc. There are already several things that need major changes (specifically, I'm going to change one character's overall demeanor), and I suppose when I'm done with the first draft I'll go back and make those changes.

But all in all, damn, it's good to get back to writing just straight-ahead horror. Also, it's nice to have that feeling back: the one where you're in the grips of a story, and you walk around a lot thinking about it, planning it. Makes me feel like I'm my old self again. :D


Cyn said...

I like the layout, too. The writing has finally taken off. I wasn't positive where I was going with this, then I decided that my fictional town looked just like Bryan, OH and suddenly it just filled out and populated in my head. I know who lives there. I know what they grown on the farm. The back story filled in. I was doing pretty well yesterday and I expect to continue today. As I'm at work trying to write news promotion and contest spots, my head keeps filling up with my characters. I think of all the stuff I've written, this would be the easiest to explain to an agent, the easiest to neatly package. I even know what I want the cover to look like. I'll check out your excerpt tonight. Thanks for telling me about this. Oddly enough, it's been a great stress reliever for me. My boss is unexpectedly out of the office due to pregnancy complications and I've had so much dumped in my lap, it's good to have something else to focus on (besides Thanksgiving dinner. Ten more people than I originally expected will be attending)

AWJ said...

I'm glad you're doing well at this, Cyn. :) I haven't been completely overtaken by my characters yet, but I think it's the stress of keeping up my average that's holding me back like that. Funny enough-- when I don't have a goal like that I write much more in one setting, but it seems like I'm writing less daily than I usually do.

So, I expect that I'll be fully engrossed in my book once I hit 50,000 and can relax. Besides, the action's picking up, and I know more what I want to happen now than I did earlier. As of this morning, I'm at 42,468, and in the middle of a chapter.

You said that your book is the easiest to explain to an agent, and the easiest to package. I feel the same way about mine, too. Straight-ahead horror.

Cyn said...

I can even picture the cover: A Gothic revial farmhouse with a Goth Chick and a Sheriff's Deputy standing out front and she's holding a pitchfork. I've never felt that way about a title before. I'm terrible with titles. Unless it's related to naming stuff at the TV station. That I can do.

AWJ said...

I hope the cover's supposed to be funny, because it sounds funny to me. :) Good one, too.

Titles have come easier over the past couple of years, but I still struggle with them. I think I may have a better title in mind for "A Hole of Bones", but I'm going to think on it awhile.

Up to 42,490 this morning. So close!

Cyn said...

I got slowed down by reading a novel. Stupid Robert B. Parker, releasing a book when I need to be writing instead of reading. But I think I'll catch back up. I'm fairly sure I know where this puppy is going. Yeah, the cover is supposed to be funny :)

AWJ said...

I haven't read hardly anything in awhile. I just can't find the time.

I wrote the wrong word total yesterday. This morning I wrote 3,151 words, bringing my total up to 47,665. I still have to finish this chapter I'm working on, and if I plod through, I'm confident I'll hit 50,000 tomorrow.

Go me! :D

Cyn said...

I'm jealous! I'm actually up a couple of thousand words, but I realize I need to stick another chapter in there and I'll give new total when I get both of them finished.