Friday, October 20, 2006

Is anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year? I've never done it before, but after giving it some thought, and giving in to that writing itch I've been feeling over the past couple of months, I decided to go ahead and register. But while I was registering, I remembered that my husband and I are going out of town from November 25-December 2 for our fifteenth anniversary trip. Counting Thanksgiving, when I have to cook all day, and a day of packing and giving instructions to my mother-in-law (who's totally terrific for flying in to take care of the kids), that would mean I'd only have about twenty-three days to write 50,000 words.

Um, no. While my average is higher than the 1,666 words you'd have to write a day to get done in a month, I wasn't comfortable with that limit. So, I started NaNoWriMo early. It won't count, but I'm treating it as if it will.

I started on Tuesday, October 17, and my last day will be November 16. On day four, I have 8,294 words, so my average is almost 2,100 words a day. If I keep this up, I'll be able to make it, although I'm sure the novel will be longer than 50,000.

I just can't concentrate on short stories anymore. I've got enough good credits for my bio, and it's time to write a novel again (I actually have one in the can, but it's WAY too long to be sellable as a first novel from an unknown). Although I'm very happy with my renewed art career, I've once again got the writing itch, so I suppose I'll never rest easy until I get a book published. It's okay. ;)

Lastly, the writing itself is going... well. I hesitate to say "Great!" because I'm a bit superstitious. But I'm happy, and though the going's tough, it's also very satisfying. And it's a horror/suspense novel, which I never thought I'd be able to write-- my other attempts sucked. But I'm pretty sure I can manage this one.

Any new writing news from you ladies? :)


Unknown said...

This just goes to show - you really do learn something new every day. I'm glad to hear about NaNoWriMo. It sounds like a great idea for you, since you'd like to write a novel but have some.. hesitations. It will forxce you to let go of them, and you'll come out of it with a first draft.

Good luck!!!

Cyn said...

I'd never heard of it either and I think I just might be game. I have an idea I'd like to use. But can I do it?

Cyn said...

I think I'm getting my writing groove back a bit. I'm finally making progress on the devil book that stalled me out.

Cyn said...

Okay, I signed up. We'll see how this goes.

AWJ said...

Thanks, Linda. :) At day 10, I'm up to 18,991 words, so I'm still above the average. But it's hard going at the moment, and frankly, I'm a little pissed at myself right now. I thought of something important that I should write tomorrow, didn't jot it down, and now I've forgotten it. Grrrr!!! :(

Cyn, good luck! I've found that doing this is an incredible boost and push. If you ever need support, come in here and I'll cheer you on! :D

Cyn said...

It's interesting. Novels come much easier to me that short stories. This character has been with me for awhile, even popped up as a minor character in other stuff I've written. But I've never started HER story. And I do think it's the one thing I have a really easy title for and could easily pitch as a concept to a publisher. I'm trying to finish up some writing on my faux blog, so it's not weighing on my mind. November is a big challenge for me, since it's a television ratings period and the time of year I'm called upon to do the most creative writing and editing at work. I also have a Thanksgiving dinner to cook in there as well. Plus all the good TV is on!

AWJ said...

Are you ready for NaNoWriMo, Cyn? :) As of this morning I'm over 28,000 words. I've got a pretty good groove going now, but I'm well aware that there's still a lot of tough going ahead. All I can say is: thank God for editing!

I forgot about November sweeps. I don't even know how many shows I'll have to have my older daughter tape while we're out of town! :(

Cyn said...

I think I'm ready. I was going to start writing early, but my husband decided that wasn't playing by the rules. Apparently he's the NaNoWiMo police! But I think I know where I'm going. Also to had to my fun, my boss was ordered to bed rest for pregnancy complications, the other producer in my department is out for six weeks for back surgery and we've just implemented a new computer system! I should have plenty of time for writing.

Cyn said...

So what are you doing for your novel? If you feel like telling. I'm working on a story I call American Goth about a Goth chick artist who ends up returning to her small hometown after her grandfather's mysterious death. She moves onto the farm he left her, jumps into small town life and tries to figure out just what happened to her grandfather.

AWJ said...

Sounds like a good one, Cyn! :) Mine's called "A Hole of Bones", and the title totally SUCKS, but it's a working title.

Mine's just a basic ghost story, although it deals with metaphysical ghosts and ghosts of the main character's past. Present day, takes place in Huntington. Although I'm using real places and streets, I changed Huntington's name and Marshall University's so I could get away with making stuff up. ;)

I guess you could call it horror and suspense.

Cyn said...

I've written some mysteries that take place in Huntington.

I posted an excerpt of American Goth on the site.

AWJ said...

Where is it at?

Cyn said...

It comes up in your user profile. My user name is cynmack.

Cyn said...

6427 words so far.