Friday, November 10, 2006

I finished.

Well, not the entire novel, but as of this morning and after twenty-five days of work, I have 51,648 words under my belt. I wrote damn near 4,000 words this morning.

It's an understatement to say that I'm pleased, really pleased. Everything's falling into place in the book, too-- I have the denouement all planned out (that was a nice epiphany in the car!), and everything else that I've wanted to write will be coming out in the next few weeks (months?).

I'm looking forward to relaxing about this, too. Hell, I might even give myself Sundays off! ;) NOT looking forward to all the editing I have to do, though.

Now it's time to pump up Cyn. Go, Cyn, GO! :D


Unknown said...


AWJ said...

Thanks, Linda! :)

Turns out I didn't take Sunday off. Now that the pressure's off, the writing's been much smoother. I woke up actually *wanting* to write!

Cyn said...

I'm close to 14,000. One thing after another keeps getting in my way.

AWJ said...

The comments keep saying there are only two comments...hrm.

Is your word count any higher today, Cyn?

I'm up to around 64,000, but I didn't write much yesterday and nothing today. I was worried the book was speeding too fast toward its climax, and was going to add in another chapter. But I read it this morning and it seems I was wrong, so I'll get started again tomorrow.

Cyn said...

19,211 as of now. It's been an incredibly stressful week. It's our ultra-busy time and work and my boss had to extremely premature babies on Monday both weighing in at just over a pound. So there's the concern for her and the twins and the attempt at trying to keep up with all the things for November Sweeps with the other producer in our department out with back surgery... What a month to write a novel, but I'm trying. The babies are doing okay, my boss seems better and I'll take a crack at staying sane through the craft of the novel.

Cyn said...


Cyn said...


Cyn said...

34745... I've been smoking this weekend. But can I keep it up?

Cyn said...


AWJ said...

I just saw your total! Great job! :D Wow, so did you write about 6,000 words over the weekend?

You can make it. :) Is the book going well still, or is it beating you over the head (as mine did at the end of last week)?

Cyn said...

Yeah, I was flying this weekend. I set up at flea market with my husband and just put myself back in a corner with my laptop and wrote. I knocked off at least three chapters a day. It was really slow, so there wasn't much in the way of interruptions. Bad for the comic business, but good for writing. My story is really going well. I know what's happening and what's going on with these characters and I think I even know what the next book featuring them will be about.

AWJ said...

Oh, I totally forgot to mention that my youngest sister read my excerpt, and also saw you on my buddy list and went over to read yours. She really enjoyed both of ours. :)

She also asked to read more of mine (and hell, who am I to pass up a reader? ;)), but I could only send her the first two chapters. Right after that, I have to make two enormous changes and do a lot of rewriting, so I didn't really want her to read that until I'm 'officially' done.

Cyn said...

If she wants to read mine, I can e-mail her when I'm done. Obviously so can you if you have the time. I'd like to see how yours turns out.

Cyn said...