Sunday, January 02, 2011

So now I've written a novel. Or at least, I believe by the time I finish revising it will be a novel.

I see how getting people to critique a novel is a problem. Critters seems to have solved this problem. You have 2 choices: either send your novel through the queue in pieces or ask for dedicated readers, who will read your novel exclusively.

Trouble is, my novel is not one of the genres Critters deals with (sci-fi, fantasy, and horror.)

Back in the day I joined the International Women's Writing Guild and a "kitchen table/meetup" writing group. That's how I met Sapphire. Now I don't think running around town going to meetings is the way to go. I'd rather do it online, just like critters.

On the other hand, IWWG has something called "clusters"and zip code parties. The members of the writers group i was in were from all over the city. Maybe there's something there for me.

In any case, getting feedback about anything you're writing is essential. Thanks to all who have volunteered to read THAT AND A TOKEN. A leaner "part I only" document is now available. Let me know if you would like one.

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