I worked all last week for my husband so he could catch up on all his backwork (he has his own business that he runs from home), so I didn't get a chance to get over to NaNoWriMo until this morning. I love the layout and the way your excerpt is presented in bookform! So, even though I'm not getting the little banner or anything when I'm done (and hey, I started early, too), I went ahead and uploaded an excerpt, and also put down my stats for six days' work (I keep a running daily record at my personal blog). Anyone interested can go read it (it's under Athena_Workman).
Parentheses much in that last paragraph? ;)
Cyn, I read a lot of your excerpt, too. Sounds like a good one! How is your writing going?
The past few days for me have been pretty good, but as I approached the 30,000-word mark, it was really like pulling teeth, going from establishing the story to the need to really get things moving; at the same while not wanting to give too much away too early. And I'm not used to writing this way-- not doing much editing, not going back and cutting huge chunks that don't work just so I can keep up my total, etc. There are already several things that need major changes (specifically, I'm going to change one character's overall demeanor), and I suppose when I'm done with the first draft I'll go back and make those changes.
But all in all, damn, it's good to get back to writing just straight-ahead horror. Also, it's nice to have that feeling back: the one where you're in the grips of a story, and you walk around a lot thinking about it, planning it. Makes me feel like I'm my old self again. :D