Saturday, July 01, 2006

I checked Moondance, and it's up! They've published my essay "Career" in the Summer Issue as promised. Hurray!


AWJ said...

Sorry this is so late! Congratulations! :D

AWJ said...

Okay, I finally got the time to finish it, and it really struck a chord with me. I didn't go to college (had my babies instead), but it's been a long and winding road for me. The art parts especially resonated with me; I spent a good deal of my childhood drawing (that talent runs in my family), and then 'rebelled' against it in my teens when I began writing. It wasn't until my late twenties that I got back into it, and began searching for a 'style'. Now, after a few years, I know that I have many styles.

And now I'm in the early stages of empty nest syndrome, and searching for a "career"-- something that won't make me hate the things I love to do.

Nice article, Linda. Thought-provoking.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I'm glad I struck a chord!

Athena, I think you already have a career. It may have been in the pages of Cemetery Dance that I came across an ad for another prestigous anthology you're in. I wish you could impress yourself half as much as you impress me!

I'm intrigued by "hate the things I love to do." What do you mean?