Saturday, January 20, 2007

Also, I got an idea for a novel, not scifi or horror but historical romance. I've written an outline. Don't know how committed i am to actually writing it.

Plus I just joined a Gigapet message board.


AWJ said...

What's a Gigapet? Is that like Neopets?

Good luck with the novel should you choose to write it. :) I'm starting my novel over from scratch. I don't feel like I wasted a bunch of time, since it only took me, what- 23 days? But it made me open my eyes to what I really wanted to write. I like weird, I like quirky (but not consciously quirky), and the book was just too... mundane for my liking. Anyone could have written it. So... here I go again! :)

Unknown said...

Yes -- a Gigapet is a handheld virtual pet, like a Tamagotchi or a Neopet. The board I joined is actually Tamatalk - about Tamagotchi, but with a section on "Tamagotchi cousins" including Gigapets. My daughter & her friends got into them a few months ago, & I've been playing with Miranda's. Had to join a message board to find out how to get cash to feed the creature. (A dragon lizard.)

This whole interplay between process & product (writing) is so interesting. The 23 days were part of the birth of the novel you really want to write.

So far in addition to the outline I've written one scene -- the sexy one. Understandable, since the idea pretty much came from an erotic fantasy. Today I worked on my revision of "A Singular Being." (at the laundromat.)

Cyn said...

Interestingly enough, the half-finished novel I decided to go back and rework is kind of sexy as well. It's not my usual universe of characters. It's about a detective, a beautiful Christian radio talk show host and her bad-girl identical twin. I call it "Virtue."